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IFAGRI (United Kingdom)
IFAGRI (United Kingdom)

IFAGRI  is an UK company that develops, formulates and markets post-patented crop protection products for the global agriculture industry

redoniQ («Редонік»)
redoniQ («Редонік»)

redoniQ - лінійка високоякісних рідких позакореневих добрив, які виготовлені в Україні за європейськими стандартами та адаптовані під потреби українського сільгоспвиробника


ROSIER S.A. is a global producer of mineral fertilizers, as well as special fertilizers containing macro-, meso- and microelements for a full range of field and special crops

AVENTRO Sarl (Switzerland)
AVENTRO Sarl (Switzerland)

AVENTRO Sarl is a leading company in production, registration and supplying of non-pesticide orientation for plant protection and nutritional products from Europe and USA

DSV (Germany)
DSV (Germany)

LLC DSV-Ukraine is a subsidiary of Deutsche Saatveredelung AG (DSV), which was founded in 2010 in Ukraine.

RAGT semences
RAGT semences

RAGT Semences is one of Europe’s leading breeders and seed producers in the international market.

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